Invited Speaker Series

The Microbiome Invited Speaker Series features speakers from academia, industry, non-profit organizations, public communities, and federal agencies that promote the role of microbiome in a One Health context, ranging from sustainability, restoration, and public health. The series facilitates knowledge exchange between UMD and local experts in human and environmental microbiome research, with the long-term goal of establishing impact-driven collaborations in microbiome-focused initiatives.

Speaker: Suzanne E. Dorsey, Deputy Secretary at the Maryland Department of the Environment

Abstract: Suzanne Dorsey will share her experience of over 30 years working towards conservation as a scientist and within a governmental agency. Dorsey will reflect back on how regulators might receive ideas that are generated by scientists. She is looking forward to having an open discussion with the audience.

Date: Tuesday, February 18

Time: 4–5 p.m.

Location: ESJ 2204

Zoom Link

Previous Speakers

DateSpeakerTalk TitleLocation
November 26David J. Lipman, senior science advisor for bioinformatics and genomics at the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied NutritionBLAST to the Future: A Story of Sequences in BiologyESJ 1224